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Why Neural Networks Work 

In his Blog „Notes on Personal Data Science„, Helmut Hauschild wages an attempt, to explain artificial neural networks without talking about neurons.


Wikifolio „Prädiktive Analyse mit ANN“ (Predictive Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks) has reached status „Investable“

Investors can now trade an index certificate that follows the Wikifolio WF0ANNDAX2 at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (Börse Stuttgart) as well as at Lang und Schwarz.
HSEC has helped implementing the artificial neural network used for the decision making of the Wikifolio and setting up it’s training pipeline.


SXP Preview has been approved

Consumers can now access a free SXP preview in the OUYA store.  At this point SXP is a HSEC showcase study on user engagement. Learn more on the SXP info site.


New study: Core Systems Integration with mySAP Technology

This study provides a brief introduction to the integration of different business systems from both, the business perspective and the IT perspective. It’s intent is to evaluate the technical options for the integration of a nationwide reservation and booking system with SAP R/3. The description of the actual integration and the prototype creation is not part of this revision. (58 pages, PDF, 416 KB). To download the study click here.