
Period      :  ongoing

Industry    :  Automotive

Project     :  Integration of CAD with PDM-Systems

Role        :  Senior Developer

Contributions: IT Concept, Implementation Application Server and tools,

               Integration Siemens Teamcenter PLM Vis, App-Server migration (Weblogic

               to Glassfish and Weblogic 8 to Weblogic 10), Frontend development,

               Integration CATIA / Enovia V6 via XPG und V6 Event Bus,

               Extension of build management

Platform    :  Windows, Unix, Weblogic, Glassfish

Technologies:  SOAP, Axis, WSDL, EAI, JCo, Java JDK 1.6, J2EE, EJB, Ajax, ExtJS,

               Javascript, JMS, XML, XSL, JAX, JUnit, BMW CA 2.0,SQL, CA Siteminder

Project size:  more then 1000 people, team size 20-30 people

Methodology :  MDA, UML, OOA, OOD



Design      :  Open Architecture Ware OAW

IDE         :  Eclipse

Integration :  Maven, CruiseControl, ANT, SVN

Other       :  CA 2.0, Quest Deploy Director, Mercury Quality Center

Period      :  ongoing

Industry    :  Entertainment

Project     :  Game development for the OUYA platform

Role        :  Project Lead

Contributions: IT concept, implementation, build management, approval and publication

Platform    :  OUYA, Android

Technologies:  C#, Mono, Unity3D, Java, Android, ADF



2D/3D Design:  Blender, Wings3D, GIMP

IDE         :  Unity3D, Eclipse

Period      :  ongoing

Industry    :  Social Network

Project     :  Web and Mobile Services

Role        :  Marketing Support

Contributions: Market research, conceptual support

Period      :  July 2008 – June 2010

Industry    :  Media

Project     :  Developing a region portal / CMS

Role        :  Senior Developer

Contributions: IT Concept, Design and Implementation Frontend and Backend,

Integration SSO, Social Networks, InxMail, Varnish ESI

Platform    :  Windows, Unix, MySQL, Alfa MediaSuite, Alfresco

Technologies:  Spring, Hibernate, Java6, Tomcat, J2EE, Log4J, Spring Framework,

Spring Security, Spring XT, Ajax, SOAP, Axis, WSDL, J2EE,

Apache Webserver, Facebook API, EH-Cache, Varnish

Project size:  15 developers

Methodology :  Scrum, Kanban, OOA, OOD



IDE         :  Idea

Integration :  Maven, CruiseControl, ANT, SVN (Subversion)

Period      :  January 2008 – April 2008

Industry    :  Healthcare

Project     :  Development of a tender portal

Role        :  Project Lead and Senior Developer

Contributions:  Conception, implementation application server

Platform    :  Linux, Apache, JBoss, Spring, Hibernate

Technologies:  Java (JDK 1.6), Grails/Groovy, Spring, Hibernate, Compass,

               Lucene, Ajax, Log4J, Webservices, SQL

Project size:  2 developers

Methoden    :  UML, OOA, OOD

Period      :  January 2006 – June 2008

Industry    :  Automotive

Project     :  Integration of PDM-Systems

Role        :  Senior Developer

Contributions: IT Concept, Implementation Application Server, SAP integration

via EAI, Prisma integration, CATIA V5 integration via Web Services,

Implementation Webclient (Struts/UTC),

Platform    :  Windows, Unix, Bea Weblogic, Oracle

Technologies:  Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, EAI, Java (JDK 1.4), J2EE, EJB, JMS,

MQ-Series, XML, XSL, JAX, Log4J, Struts, JUnit, BMW CA 2.0,

SQL, Oracle Stored Procedures, JDBC, UTC, CA Siteminder, Swing,

Applet, Shunra VE WAN Emulation

Project size:  more then 1000 people, team size 20-30 people

Methodology :  MDA, UMP, EJB Design Patterns, OOA, OOD



Design      :  TogetherJ, Open Architecture Ware OAW

IDE         :  Eclipse

Integration :  ANT, CVS/SVN

Other       :  CA 2.0, BMW Java Messplatz, Wireshark Network Analyzer,

Quest Deploy Director, Mercury Quality Center

Period      :  2006 – 2010

Industry    :  Consulting / Pharmaceuticals

Project     :  Pharmaceutical Market Research Tool

Role        :  Consultant / Developer

Contributions: SW design and implementation

Platform    :  Windows

Technologies:  Delphi

Methodology :  OOA, OOD

Continuous Testing



Design      :  Omondo UML

IDE         :  Delphi

Integration :  CVS

Period      :  November 2005 – December 2005

Industry    :  Consulting / Banking

Project     :  Developing analytical statistics software for the evaluation

of market research data of a large Swiss Bank

Role        :  Consultant / Developer

Contributions: Complete analyis, design, implementation and deployment

Platform    :  Windows, Linux

Technologies:  Java (JDK 1.5), Log4J, Chainsaw, Delphi, OLE-Automation

Methodology :  Unified Modeling Language (UML), Design Patterns, OOA, OOD,

Continuous Testing



Design      :  Omondo UML, Log4J, Log4E, JUnit

IDE         :  Eclipse, Delphi

Integration :  ANT, CVS

Period      :  January 2000 – October 2005

Industry    :  IT / Entertainment

Project     :  Development of a internationally used Ticketing-System

for a sales volume of anually 20 million event tickets

Role        :  Senior Software Developer and Member of the Projekt Management


Contributions: Analysis, design and implementation of the following modules:

Finance, Callcenter, Box Office and Auditorium Plans;

Leading a task force for the implementation of a 2D-CAD-

component for the input of auditorium layouts; Design and

realisation of a framework for facilitating interaction between

Swing- and HTML-clients and EJB server components;  Design of a

frameworks for the integration of the ticketsystem with SAP

Platform    :  Bea Weblogic (div. versions), JBoss, Oracle 9i,

Windows 2000/NT/XP, Linux

Technologies:  Java, J2EE, EJB, SQL, SSL, Java WebStart, Java2D, Swing,

Servlet, JSP, VPN, XML (DOM, SAX)

project size:  15 developers, ca. 1 Mio. Lines of Code

Methodology :  Rational Unified Process (RUP), Unified Modeling Language (UML),

Design Patterns, OOA, OOD



Design      :  Together/J, Together Controll Center

IDE         :  Eclipse, JBuilder Enterprise

Integration :  ANT, CVS

Test        :  JUnit, WinRunner, eigene Tools, Usertests

Optimization:  JProbe, Eclipse Profiler

Industry    :  Retail

Project     :  Set-up and Customization of a Open Source ECommerce-System

Role        :  complete realisation

Platform    :  SuSE-Linux Professional 8.0, Redhat Interchange, Apache, MySQL

Technologies:  PHP, SQL, SSL

Methodology :  UML for requirement analysis, Trouble Tickets for maintenance

Test        :  Usertests

Period      :  1998 – 1999

Industry    :  Research, Robotics

Project     :  Teleservice for an Industry Robot using Web Technology.

Role        :  Developer

Platform    :  Windows, VxWorks

Technologies:  Java3D, CORBA, VRML

Methodology :  UML

Period      :  1996 – 1999

Industry    :  Consulting / Organizational Development

Project     :  Evaluation and development of tools and methods for internet based data acquisition and statistical analysis of employee surveys. Technological support of consulting projetcs – internally as well as at customer sites (Usually at DAX-30 companies).

Role        :  Consultant / Developer

Platform    :  WindowsNT, Interbase, Microsoft IIS, SAP

Technologies:  Delphi, Turbo-Pascal, SQL, PGP, OLE

Methodology :  UML for requirement analysis

Test        :  Usertests

Tools       :  SPSS, LaTeX2e